Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Patch Tuesday updates released

Microsoft has released a batch of 17 security updates covering 64 vulnerabilities in this month's Patch Tuesday.
The patches address issues in Windows, Office, IE, Visual Studio, .NET Framework and GDI+.
Nine of the bugs are rated critical, whilst 8 are deemed important.
Three of the top priorities this month are;
Problem resolves for MS11-020, MS11-019 and MS11-018.
30 vulnerabilities address one bug, MS11-034, which all share the same root cause say Microsoft.
Microsoft applauded the industry experts who worked with the company to uncover the bugs. "In total, 21 finders coordinated with Microsoft for the April release. Microsoft actively partners with the security community to assess threats and better protect customers, and April is an example of Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure (CVD) at work," Microsoft said in a blog post.

Story Source:,2817,2383483,00.asp


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